Capacitive sensing tangibles linked with 2D representations on tablets, were explored as a novel concept for teaching Oroo’ signs. The tangibles were constructed out of a baseplate with touch points topped with the Oroo’ sign made out of clay and natural products. Their sole function programmed was to initialize the signs on a tablet for further manipulation of the 2-dimensional digital representations of complex messages.

The tangible-tablet tool was evaluated as a collaborative learning tool in the village where 6 family groups, consisting of respectively an Oroo’ conversant parent and a child engaged with the tool.

Research Outcomes


  • SIGCHI Best of CHI Honorable Mention Award : among the top 5% of all submission to CHI 2015

Project Team

  • Beryl Plimmer (University of Auckland,  Auckland, New Zealand)
  • Liang He, Kasun Karunanayaka and Ellen Yi-Luen Do (National University Singapore)
  • Tariq Zaman, Alvin W. Yeo (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia)
  • Garen Jengan (Long Lamai Community)